Tiananmen Square & The Forbidden City!


On our last day in Beijing, Rory made sure we did some proper things that we had come to do, like going to the forbidden city and tiananmen square. Well, Rory and i ended up doing them anyway. Paul got there, and felt sick, and went home. Which i get because the forbidden palace and tiananmen square are A) boiling B) crowded C) smoggy.

But that sounds like forbidden city wasn't cool, and it definitely was. The building were all ornate and gorgeous, and it stretched on forever. HOW forever i don't actually know, because after a while i started to get like a sullen child, dragging my feet and asking Rory when we could go. He replied with "lets just go through this next thing, and if all these buildings are the same as the previous buildings, then we'll go." They were.

So we crossed the road to Tiananmen square. I didn't know too much about it, apart from you know that one photo of the guy and the tanks? It was FILLED with people, and so so smoggy, which made it really eerie. Like when Rory wandered off, i couldn't see where he was, that's how smoggy it was. 

Another great part about China, if your a shallow self obsessed diva which, lets be honest, who isn't, is that they just don't get too many white people. So as a result, you feel kind of like a celebrity. Loads of people take photos of you and ask to take photos with you, and this happens tons in Tiananmen Square. I think maybe its because loads of the people there are tourists, from other, quieter parts of China, and they've literally never seen a white person before. When we were there some teenage girl came up to us and asked to take a photo with me, and while we were taking it she was like "you're so beautiful" and Rory groaned and went "god please don't tell her that", because obviously i was insufferable for the rest of the day. And yes, i know it's just because i looked different and was white, and yes, i know she would probably have said the same to Susan Boyle, but it still feels AWESOME. 

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